Foot Care


(Identify and Monitor Patient Results: Observation of Various Foot Treatments and Evaluation) 
IMPROVE is an IRB-approved Observational Study aimed at evaluating patients’ experiences and/or perceptions and patient response for those who have been prescribed a foot bath treatment by their clinician.  Data will be evaluated based on patient and provider completed questions to validated pain measurement and symptom scales (e.g.; QoL questionnaire) as well as additional survey questions regarding patient satisfaction and resumption of their normal activities.

Study Objective

The purpose of this minial risk, observational study is to evaluate, assess and compare various foot treatment (e.g. footbath footwash) prescribed by physicians for fungal infections, diabetic foot ulcers, wound abscesses, tinea pedis and other foot diagnoses and to document patient compliance, patient improvement, and patient satisfaction through the administration of several surveys over a period of 1 month of treatment.

Assessment Tools

QoL (Quality of Life) questionnaire and interference with activities of daily living.

Become a Study Investigator

To learn more about our IMPROVE study, please call our dedicated Healthcare Provider HelpDesk at (800) 616-9403.